This blog Will today be short and hopefully sweet. I am as sick as a dog been coughing all day and quite unwell.
We left Mill Street at ten past 8 and arrived home at 7.20 a very long day but went through some amazing countryside. We stopped for Morning Tea and wander in shops and back on road arriving at the Abbey at 3.00. Five of us combed the graves and Shirley visited the office but no luck. The graves are so old and in lots of areas couldn't read. We were looking for Kerrison but it was spelt a couple of ways. The abbey was beautiful and those are the things that made the trip worthwhile for us all.
We sopped for late lunch and hurried home on Motorway before peak traffic. At one stage we were 60miles from London
I've retired early tonight in hope of feeling better tomorrow. My book with all towns visited is in car so please excuse till tomorrow.
Morning Tea with clotted Cream

Interesting if we dare complain.


-Posted from my iPad using Blogpress.
Location:Mill St,Warwick,United Kingdom
Hope you feel better soon Xx S&R