Emily looked, waited and hoped that Uncle Luke would be kind enough to give her just a little bit of the Baked Caramal Banana Pudding. But no such luck.
Emily's Mum and Dad had gone to join Uncle Sam for his Birthday celebration.
Emily visited me on Tuesday while her Mum was having a little "me" time. We always have lots of laughs and this one no different day. She tries to grab my glasses when I am playing on the mat - so I let her have them. Quite cute!
This last week was Teams Week at Medicare - so each night as members of the Team 5 All Stars (The Team that shines at night) had an activity before or during work time. One thing I found out about myself was I was still capable of blowing up a balloon or two - about six in fact. In teams of 4 we had to blow up balloons then make the highest structure using sticky tape and straws - and they had to stand alone ! Quite a few laughs. Another night in a team of 3 we had to have an Architect, Foreman and a Builder.
The Architect had to look at the structure and relay to the foreman , the foreman then told the Builder and we had to make a lego structure in the a certain time. We came a very close second with me being the Foreman. Surprisingly it was a lot of fun.
Sally our Supervisor was an ex Teacher so she had plenty of things up the sleeve for the weeks activities - ending on Thursday with a team tea and the HR staff putting on a Sausage Sizzle as well. Still a little in reserve to cross the road to our favourite Italian Restaurant for a night cap after work.
These Girls are trying to solve the puzzle of who is who - we had to bring a photo of our selves when we were between the ages of 5-10years. Oh how hard was that one !
On Tuesday night we were given a questionnaire which had to be filled out and returned to Sally.
- What would your name be if you could have chosen it yourself
- What did you want to be when you were 10?
- What was your first paid job ?
- If you won a million dollars waht would be the first thing that you would buy ?
- and lastly if you had chance to meet one famous person who would it be ?
Very interesting when you have 23 people and the answers so varied - and of course excellent way of finding out about your team.
Rightly or wrongly I put as my famous person I would like to meet as Gordon Ramsay - dont know what pocessed me but I did. Come 2 or 3 days down the track and off to Melbourne next weekend - when Sally said Gordon Ramsay will be at the Long Weekend Wine and Food Show - I will get tickets ! I cannot believe I will be meeting my famous person in the next week - where I hope someothers who wanted to meet Queen, God or Elton John may have to wait longer !!! The one God I certainly hope has to wait a very very long time - cause I enjoy working with her.
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