Well the day dawned - 63 and for a few minutes I pondered the thought - how many more years have I got to enjoy this wonderful world we live in (most of the time). As the house slept I sat in bed with the usual paper and coffee and surrounded by the cards that had arrived by mail and enjoyed the moment. Luke and Jackie had arranged for us to go to the Botanical Gardens for lunch.
In the photo above Emily was helping me open the presents - she had given me a book for Nan to fill in about her life (oh oh will the book be big enough) and her Mum and Dad and Rich and Simone had bought me Ticklebelly Tales and other stories from the people of the Hydro. Luke and Jackie replaced my very old Recipe Box -with a brand spanking new one so I am busy trying to transfer all those treasured recipes for my grandchildren. Auntie Sally gave me the lovely scarf and necklace I am wearing.
Em getting me to read the story.
Luke trying to protect me from falling !

Oh I like a good belly laugh - my family are sooo funny, specially when Uncle Luke and Daddy get together.

Luke and Jackie make a lovely couple as they pose for the camera.

This was my Venison Pie, very nice too.

Em and Auntie Sally - like the earrings.

Kristy waiting patiently for the food.

And Cam as well pondered the moment

Our family - even Auntie Sally if you look to the background you can see her taking a photo of us all.

Mummy and Daddy taking Emily home after going to my Nans birthday. How lucky we are in Hobart to have such beautiful gardens and I am sure my Mum and Dad will bring me back to run and play on the grass again soon.

Sally and I in the Foyer - as you can see it was a wet cold day.

Sally and I spent a little time walking around the garden and came across this wonderful display in the Conservatory. The Orchids were beautiful.

Still in the Botanical Gardens.
Sally came from Melbourne on the Saturday morning to share the birthday celebrations. On the Monday we headed down Cremorne way - with the usual most places closed on a Monday - but we did find the Forshore Tavern open - so it was lunch there and then a trot around Lauderdale, Roches Beach before travelling back to Shoreline. Monday evening we had Luke and Jackie join us for Dinner. Tuesday Sally and I went to Salamanca Square and had a delightful lunch at Smolt.
No time at all and it was time for Sally to return to Melbourne Wednesday morning ready for her to start work again at the Casino on Wednesday night.
Thank you to Sally for travelling over and every one both family and friends for their good wishes, love, cards, gifts. Oh Oh next year the pension comes with the birthday -I am going to hide!!!!!